In the short story "The Bounds of Reason", Witcher Geralt of Riva meets a knight named Borch Three Jackdaws, who is actually the golden dragon Villentretenmerth. Wiedźmin (The Witcher) by Andrzej Sapkowski.The fire-breathing dragon Chrysophylax Dives is one of the main characters. Farmer Giles of Ham by J.R.R Tolkien, published in 1949 by George Allen & Unwin.The Silmarillion by J.R.R Tolkien, Chapter: XXIV: Ancalagon the Black, who was slain by Eärendil the Mariner, and from Quenta Silmarillion: Glaurung, father of all dragons in Tolkien's lore.The dragon Smaug has his hoard in the Lonely Mountain (Sindarin: Erebor). Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide campaign - Players will meet a white dragon named "Tymofarrar".